e2eSoft VSC is a Sound Card Emulator, which emulates a sound card in your system and works like a real one. You can use it to record, modify or broadcast all the sound in your system.
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You can also use it to create numbers of Virtual Sound Card instances to fulfill your special requirements.
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– Record audio – Stream audio – Broadcast audio – Change voice –
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Download and install to have a wonderful experience right now!
Download Med Sound Cards & Media Devices Driver Windows 7
Want to add “virtual sound card” feature to your applications? Please try our VSC SDK.

Have any questions? Please contact us here.
You can run VSC with command line parameter “/m” to run minimized, and “/r” to start previous audio transfer automatically.
- Record / Broadcast the sound of all applications;
- Record / Broadcast the sound of all applications and your MIC voice at the same time (mixed or not);.
- Record online chatting / meeting voice, such as skype conversation, with peoples and your voice mixed together or separated;
- Record DRM-protected music, media;
- Record the audio of video/audio file, online video/music, etc;
- Change your voice to a man, woman or even a child using “pitch control” feature;
- Pure digital data transfer, NO audio quality loss.
- Command line support;
- Supports both 32bits/64bits OS;
- More wonderful usage waiting for you to discover!
You can try VSC for FREE, except that there is a “Trial Version” voice in the output audio. You may purchase to remove the voice and use full features.
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$19.95 to Buy
Download Med Sound Cards & Media Devices Drivers
With Sound Booster you can make any program as loud as you want
Now you are not limited by the maximum amplification capabilities of your PC’s sound card. You can raise volume to the desired level even if the volume level in system set on maximum. Sound Booster processes all audio being played in system and boosts it before it gets to the sound card.
No need to buy external speakers for your laptop
Thought of buying a set of speaker for your PC ? Now you might want to rethink your plans. If your laptop’s volume is generally good enough, and the only trouble you experience is with some particular program or media content that is recorded too low, then you can save the situation by using Sound Booster.
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Works in every application
You can use Sound Booster to boost sound of a web browser, a media player, a game or any other PC program that plays sound. You can use the software the usual way, no special treatment required. No need to install any plugins or add-on’s. Sound Booster amplifies sound in real-time and there is no need to configure it.
What's New:
- Fixed serious bug that could affect boosting in certain scenarios
- Enhancement: boost controls now can be kept visible on screen (prevent auto-hiding)
- Enhancement: now it’s possible to specify a desired boost level used at startup
Download Med Sound Cards & Media Devices Driver Updater
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