1. Micontrol Port Devices Driver Download Windows 10
  2. Micontrol Port Devices Driver Download Windows 7

Gigabyte motherboards driver download for windows 8.1. Download your phone specific drivers for your Android device. Windows PC/Laptop. An Android device. Steps to Install Android USB drivers on Windows. Extract the driver’s archive file anywhere on your computer. Connect your Android device to your computer. Navigate to My Computer properties. In the left pane, you will find Device. Home Support Downloads for Windows Device Drivers Device Driver for USB Cameras August 22, 2019 2.9.8 Device driver for all The Imaging Source USB cameras except the 33U, 37U, 38U and AFU auto focus series.

All devices operating in MTP mode are supported. Note: The MTPdrive is not a replacement for the device's factory (or Windows default) device driver. You must be able to connect your device to the computer and have it visible in the Windows Explorer, before it can be mapped as a drive letter using the MTPdrive. Download the Windows CH340 Driver; Unzip the file; Run the installer which you unzipped; In the Arduino IDE when the CH340 is connected you will see a COM Port in the Tools Serial Port menu, the COM number for your device may vary depending on your system. Older Windows Driver Version and Instructions. Download the Windows CH340 Driver; Unzip.


For most devices, the Ports device setup class and the Serial function driver provide the functionality required to operate serial ports and COM ports. To install serial ports and COM ports using these system-supplied components, do the following:

  • Provide an INF file that specifies the Ports device setup class and the Serial function driver as the service for the port.

  • To configure a serial port as COM port, comply with the requirements that are defined in Configuration of COM Ports.

For more information about installing serial ports and COM ports using the Ports device setup class and the Serial function driver, see the following topics:

If you do a custom installation of a COM port, you must comply with the COM port requirements that are defined in Configuration of COM Ports.

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If you are developing on Windows and want to connect a device for testing,then you need to install the appropriate USB driver. This pageprovides links to the web sites for several original equipment manufacturers (OEMs),where you can download the appropriate USB driver for your device.

If you're developing on Mac OS X or Linux, then you shouldn't need a USB driver.Instead read Using Hardware Devices.

To connect and debug with any of the Google Nexus devices using Windows, youneed to install the Google USB driver.

Install a USB driver

First, find the appropriate driver for your device from the OEM driverstable below.

Micontrol Port Devices Driver Download Windows 10

Once you've downloaded your USB driver, follow the instructions below to install or upgrade thedriver, based on your version of Windows and whether you're installing for the first timeor upgrading an existing driver. Then see Using Hardware Devices forother important information about using an Android device fordevelopment.


Caution:You may make changes to android_winusb.inf file found insideusb_driver (for example, to add support for other devices),however, this will lead to security warnings when you install or upgrade thedriver. Drivers linux developer community cameras. Making any other changes to the driver files may break the installationprocess.

Windows 10

To install the Android USB driver on Windows 10 for the first time, do the following:

  1. Connect your Android device to your computer's USB port.
  2. From Windows Explorer, open Computer Management.
  3. In the Computer Management left pane, select Device Manager.
  4. In the Device Manager right pane, locate and expand Portable Devices or Other Devices, depending on which one you see.
  5. Right-click the name of the device you connected, and then select Update Driver Software.
  6. In the Hardware Update wizard, select Browse my computer for driver software and click Next.
  7. Click Browse and then locate the USB driver folder. For example, the Google USB Driver is located in android_sdkextrasgoogleusb_driver.
  8. Click Next to install the driver.

Windows 8.1

To install the Android USB driver on Windows 8.1 for the first time, do the following:

  1. Connect your Android device to your computer's USB port.
  2. Access search, as follows:

    Touch screen: On your computer, swipe in from the right edge of the screen and tap Search.

    Using a mouse: Point to the lower-right corner of the screen, move the mouse pointer up, and then click Search.

  3. In the search box, type into and then click Device Manager.
  4. Double-click the device category, and then double-click the device you want.
  5. Click the Driver tab, click Update Driver, and follow the instructions.
Micontrol Port Devices Driver Download

Micontrol Port Devices Driver Download Windows 7

Windows 7

To install the Android USB driver on Windows 7 for the first time, do the following:

  1. Connect your Android device to your computer's USB port.
  2. Right-click on Computer from your desktop or Windows Explorer, and select Manage.
  3. Select Devices in the left pane.
  4. Locate and expand Other device in the right pane.
  5. Right-click the device name (such as Nexus S) and select Update Driver Software. This will launch the Hardware Update Wizard.
  6. Select Browse my computer for driver software and click Next.
  7. Click Browse and locate the USB driver folder. (The Google USBDriver is located in android_sdkextrasgoogleusb_driver.)
  8. Click Next to install the driver.

Or, to upgrade an existing Android USB driver on Windows 7 and higher with the newdriver:

  1. Connect your Android device to your computer's USB port.
  2. Right-click on Computer from your desktop or Windows Explorer, and select Manage.
  3. Select Device Manager in the left pane of the Computer Management window.
  4. Locate and expand Android Phone in the right pane.
  5. Right-click on Android Composite ADB Interface and select Update Driver. This will launch the Hardware Update Wizard.
  6. Select Install from a list or specific location and click Next.
  7. Select Search for the best driver in these locations; uncheckSearch removable media; and check Include this location in thesearch.
  8. Click Browse and locate the USB driver folder. (The Google USBDriver is located in android_sdkextrasgoogleusb_driver.)
  9. Click Next to upgrade the driver.

Get OEM drivers

Acer http://www.acer.com/worldwide/support/
alcatel one touch http://www.alcatelonetouch.com/global-en/support/
Asus https://www.asus.com/support/Download-Center/
Blackberry https://swdownloads.blackberry.com/Downloads/entry.do?code=4EE0932F46276313B51570F46266A608
Dell http://support.dell.com/support/downloads/index.aspx?c=us&cs=19&l=en&s=dhs&~ck=anavml
Fujitsu http://www.fmworld.net/product/phone/sp/android/develop/
HTC http://www.htc.com/support
Huawei http://consumer.huawei.com/en/support/index.htm
Intel http://www.intel.com/software/android
Kyocera http://www.kyocera-wireless.com/support/phone_drivers.htm
Lenovo http://support.lenovo.com/us/en/GlobalProductSelector
LGE http://www.lg.com/us/support/software-firmware
Motorola https://motorola-global-portal.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/88481/
MTK http://online.mediatek.com/Public%20Documents/MTK_Android_USB_Driver.zip (ZIP download)
Samsung http://developer.samsung.com/galaxy/others/android-usb-driver-for-windows
Sharp http://k-tai.sharp.co.jp/support/
Sony Mobile Communications http://developer.sonymobile.com/downloads/drivers/
Toshiba http://support.toshiba.com/sscontent?docId=4001814
Xiaomi http://www.xiaomi.com/c/driver/index.html
ZTE http://support.zte.com.cn/support/news/NewsDetail.aspx?newsId=1000442

If you don't see a link for the manufacturer of your device here, go to the support section of the manufacturer's website and search for USB driver downloads for your device.